Financial Information
In England every public authority is obligated to publish their financial documentation for every financial year.
Throughout our website you will see published accounts for the most recent financial years. It is a requirement of the Audit and Accountability Act 2014 for the parish council to publish, on its website, the approved budget and audit reports for the recent financial years. At Buildwas Parish Council we strive towards a more transparent and open dialogue with our community and that is why we intend to publish further than is required each year, so that our residents have enhanced access to see where their contribution to the council tax, through their parish council, goes.
The Parish Council budget is published online each year, usually around March ahead of the start of the new financial year. Around May, we will also publish a number of documents which are required as part of our annual audit return, including accounting statements for the previous year. You can find all of the papers for the current and previous years by following the drop down menu above.
If you have any further questions or would like to receive any hard copies of relevant documents then please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.
You may wish to make a freedom of information request. You can do this by visiting our policies page.